Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My RV to the Rescue!

T'was a cold and windy night ... high winds mean power outages in my rural area and sure enough the power went out.

And stayed out. From 6 PM until 11 AM the next morning. This means we have no heat, no light and no water since our well is powered by an electric pump. That means no water in the taps, no toilet function, no showers, and no early morning coffee. Our well equipped home is suddenly no comfort to us!

What do we do now?

Aha! The trusty RV in the driveway. We have full propane tanks, a solar panel on the roof to keep the batteries charged, and a complete water system.

While our house is cold and dark, we are very comfy in the RV ... the furnace warms us as the tea water boils on the stove. The wind howls and the rain falls in torrents, but we are warm and dry.

The 12 volt music system entertains us or we could chose a local television show or even a movie on the DVD. There are snacks and food in the cupboards. Toilet facilities are a step away.

We choose to play a game of cribbage and talk to each other for awhile. Something we rarely do in these days of hustle and bustle.

Morning coffee is a simple matter after a warm and snug night in our comfortable bed. A time of discomfort has been turned into a mini-vacation for us.

Our nearest neighbor does not have an RV ... we drop off a well appreciated thermos of hot water for them and invite them over if they wish.

Why have an RV?

Well, this is just one very good reason, even if it only happens once a year!

In our case, we even have satellite internet via a portable satellite dish and an inverter to supply the needed electricity. You can see how this is set up on my rv satellite internet page.

Les Doll - Certified RV Technician

RVers - A vast resource of RV Maintenance Items - Share my progress as I turn my RV into a remote and self sustained "Internet Anywhere" station.